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155 results found

  • Government Article
    10 Jun 2024

    Biting the bullet of IT modernisation: Transforming Australian governments for the future

    The simple fact is that government agencies need to modernise their IT systems if they want to future-proof their operations, and they need to do it now.
  • Education Article
    24 May 2024

    Interoperability, flexibility, security and privacy are cornerstones of a National Skills Passport

    A National Skills Passport built on SaaS would streamline credential verification for employers and job-seekers, and strengthen the nation’s workforce.
  • Local Government Article
    25 Mar 2024

    Invest to save and ease financial pressure on councils

    Investing in modern, high-quality asset management software is the key for councils to avoid infrastructure backlogs.
  • Government Article
    25 Mar 2024

    Harness technology to transform asset planning and anticipate future maintenance expenditure

    Failure to use modern asset management to plan for the upkeep of new infrastructure projects can mean disaster for governments.
  • Education Article
    25 Mar 2024

    Know the worth of your university’s assets to safeguard funding

    With less funding opportunities, it is critical for institutions to prioritise effective and efficient asset management to be able to do more with less.
  • Education Article
    13 Dec 2023

    SaaS technologies driving higher education institutions to top of the leaderboard

    How SaaS simplifies operations and enhances digital experience for students and staff.
  • Education Article
    12 Dec 2023

    Could SaaS be the business enabler VET institutions need to increase enrolments and help beat Australia’s skills gap?

    Proposed levy on international student fees could be detrimental to Australia’s higher education industry.
  • Article
    29 Sep 2023

    TechnologyOne supports women in STEM with new $30,000 Swinburne University Scholarship

    Swinburne University of Technology announces the first recipient of the Adrian Di Marco Women in Software Development scholarship.
  • Article
    13 Sep 2023

    Is Brisbane becoming the innovation capital of Australia?

    Discover how the 2032 Olympics could create a breeding ground for tech innovation.
  • Education Article
    05 Sep 2023

    Our next generation product is all about the students

    Discover how DXP Student is revolutionising digital student experience in tertiary and higher education
  • Education Article
    05 Sep 2023

    Improving student and staff experience at Victoria University

    Discover how TechnologyOne’s Student Management has been transformative for Victoria University and its 30,000 university students.
  • Education Article
    28 Aug 2023

    Charging international students more could mean less for Australian universities

    Proposed levy on international student fees could be detrimental to Australia’s higher education industry.
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